You think the woman IPL will be successful just like the men’s IPL?


How many women’s teams are in the IPL and which one ?

The board of control for cricket in India (BCCI) has set stage free own for women along with men women in 2003 has got the equal opportiunity to five the stage in this of 5 teams will participate in women’s ILP 2023, which is a recent process being taken place.

The five teams are listed below:

  • Gujarat Giants
  • Mumbai Indians
  • Royal challengers Bangalore
  • Delhi Capitals
  • Up Warrioss

They are total of 18 players in each team.

*Starting date of WPL : 04th march 2023

Final match: 26th march 2023

What does the introduction of WPL indicate?What does the introduction of WPL indicate?

Women premise league (WPL) is a Presently consisting of 5team league which is brought own to highlight the potertials and inart qualities of the female section of the society this quality of women’s showcase that this section is no more restricted to household chores rather now they are as equal to with men taking bet and creating records also in the field of sports which is always thought to be a scope for male, this indicates that women’s are no longer a dominate section of the society. thought a great appreciation goes to BCCI for the ongoing success of women in this field also.

Why doesn’t BCCI start on IPL for women?

BCCI being the gowring body of cricket ensures for a boastful and powerful cricket groups. cricket being the dommant sports from men always ensures and gives a great result than women as thought by BCCI, it is always though that men to go with six and four able in the field. though the same scerario goes with females now but still some where there is less confidence for women’s to play cricket, this might to due to following reasons:

  • Shortage of quality women players to give production result.
  • less of teams to showcase their qualities.
  • ongoing minndset that women will not be able to play cricket as it as a male dominated sports.

Where and who won the WPL 2023?

Teams: Delhi capticals VS Mumbai Indians
Date: March 26, sunday
Player of the match : Scier Brunt
WPL final winner: Mumbai Indians
Wickets: Won by 6 wicket
Should there be an IPL for women too?

This thought depends upon the gudince and quality players dispite there is a great no of winners than men for women still it depends upon the hype and qualitatuie playing and players thought the aim for BCCI is to promote the women section in this field also, to give them a platfrom to showcase this talents and break the will set mindset of the society regarding the game.

Do you think women’s IPL is successful incomparison to men’s IPL like 2007?

IPL (Indian Premier League) which was launched in 2007 and till the it get imnerse fane and a uncountable winners with only male team playing. But from 2020 with the interuertion of women’s team the scenario and expection of the oura countrted from only male dominated game This league has given a great stage for the women section to show up thier talent.

Thoght it is note worthy that there are still many challenges for the female players to create to thier space in that field of cricket and to grate equal oppertunities as male in the field.

Can Women IPL become successful like man IPL?

“Oppertunity”, “Doceptance”, “Aledia cousage”, “More players”, “confidence”, Thought WPL is a great success since its starting, it has a great aura and a huge for following. The alone stated factors are some of the reasons which needs to be looked out more for great and grand success of WPL as equal as IPL.

Can women IPL be successful in India?

Though there has is a great acceptance of women’s team in india still it has some challenges to the looked after to make WPL a great success

The foremost factor which should be thought is the “minset” of the indians to accept the fact that a sports can’t be gender oriented female’s also have the potentidity to fight in the same way as men in the field with the opponent team.

Will the start of the women’s IPL raise the level of women’s cricket in India?

With the increasing no. of WPL people will get more used to with the fact that women’s are longer stucked within the household chores, they can play with bat and ball also along with utersils in kitchen. it will make people accept the fact and erase their long written mindset for the sports

Women’s will start to explore thier talent and fight for something new fame and position in the society. Days are no more far when India will cheer up for women’s cricket team also just like men’s cricket.

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